Licenses and Accreditation

Adam University has the official status of a higher educational institution of the Kyrgyz Republic. The educational activities of the University licensed by the Ministry of education and science of the Kyrgyz Republic and carried out in strict accordance with the educational standards of Kyrgyzstan.
Сертификат об аккредитации "Билим Стандарт" 2024 года

Сертификат об аккредитации "Билим Стандарт" 2024 года

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Registration certificate

Registration certificate

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Certificate on accreditation

Certificate on accreditation

Certificate of the independent program accreditation in the following areas: Economics, Management, Tourism.

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License of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic №LD170001314

License of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic №LD170001314

The right to conduct educational activities in the field of vocational education

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License of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic №LD160000810

License of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic №LD160000810

License of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic No. LD160000810 for the right to conduct educational activities in the field of higher professional education.

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Лицензия LD

Лицензия LD

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Свидетельство о международной институциональной аккредитации 2024 год

Свидетельство о международной институциональной аккредитации 2024 год

Подтверждает, что общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Университет Адам" аккредитовано сроком на 5 лет.

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Certificate of the international program accreditation 2021

Certificate of the international program accreditation 2021

Confirms that the educational program is an experimental curriculum: Medicine business

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Certificate of the International Institutional Accreditation 2021

Certificate of the International Institutional Accreditation 2021

Confirms that Adam University Limited Liability Company is accredited for a period of 3 years.

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Сертификат об аккредитации 2021 год

Сертификат об аккредитации 2021 год

Сертификат о прохождении независимой программной аккредитации по направлениям/cпециальностям/профессиям согласно приложению

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Institutional accreditation

Institutional accreditation

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Лицензия МОН КР № D2023-0001

Лицензия МОН КР № D2023-0001

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Сертификат аккредитации

Сертификат аккредитации

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