Сollegiate body

The academic Council of Adam / bfea University was established in order to promote and implement intra-University policy in terms of educational and scientific activities, as well as to ensure high quality training of specialists. Read the composition of the Academic Council of Adam University / bfea.

  • Sirmbard S. R.
    Associate Professor, rector, Chairman of the Academic Council of the  Adam University
  • Zhamangulov A. A. 
    Ph. D., associate Professor, Vice-rector of academic Affairs, Deputy Chairman of the Academic Council
  • Batyrkanova G. D. 
    Ph. D. in Economics, Vice-rector of scientific work
  • Almakuchukov K. M. 
    Doctor of Economics, associate Professor, Professor of the program " Management and tourism»
  • Abdynasyrov U. T. 
    Doctor of Economics, associate Professor, Professor of the Economics program
  • Abdykadyrova M. B. 
    PhD, head of the Department of Humanitarian and Fundamental disciplines
  • Sagynbayeva A. T. 
    Ph. D. in Economics, head of the Economics program
  • Akylbekova N. I. 
    PhD, associate Professor, head of the program Management and tourism
  • Alchieva B. K. 
    chief accountant
  • Asanakunova A. A. 
    Head of human resources, lawyer 
  • Suerkulova N.T.
    Head of the Educational  Department
  • Suerkulova Z. T.
    Head of the Informational Department
  • Choiubekova A. Ch. 
    Head of the International Department
  • Egemberdiev Sh.
    Ph. D., associate Professor, Professor of Humanitarian and Fundamental disciplines department
  • Zhusupbaeva A. A. 
    Ph. D., associate Professor of Humanitarian and Fundamental disciplines department
  • Batyrbekova J. K. 
    Ph. D., associate Professor of the Economics program 
  • Keshikbaeva G. A. 
    Ph. D., associate Professor of the Economics program 
  • E. A. Djailoobaeva
    PhD, associate professor of international medical faculty
  • Kubatbekov Sh. K. 
    senior lecturer of Humanitarian and Fundamental disciplines department
  • Vashakidze A. N.
    senior lecturer of Humanitarian and Fundamental disciplines department
  • Neevia E. A. 
    senior lecturer of the Management and tourism program 
  • Altynbekov Sh.
    Chairman of the student government

The Council for the Quality of Education (Quality Council) is a collegial body which coordinates the activities of the quality management system. The Quality Council forms, provides planning, management and control of the realization of the strategic goals and policies of the University in the field of quality. The main purpose of the QC is to implement the University's quality policy and coordinate the processes of development, implementation and improvement of the University's QMC.

Provision on the Quality Council

Composition of the Quality Council



Scientific and Technical Council is a permanent advisory body of Adam University, created to ensure coordinated action of all units of the University for the implementation of tasks related to the development of economic science, improving the efficiency of work in the field of training of scientific and pedagogical personnel of higher qualification.

Activities of the Scientific and Technical Council are aimed at increase the effectiveness of the research work of the University teaching staff, undergraduates, doctoral candidates and students, ensuring integration of scientific activity with the educational process and increasing its impact on the quality of training of scientific, scientific-pedagogical personnel and teaching staff of the University.

STC activities are based on publicity, collective discussion and resolution of issues, responsibility to the employees and students of the University.

Members of Scientific and Technical Council:

  • Batyrkanova G.D. - Vice-rector for Scientific Affairs, PhD.
  • Zhamangulov A.A. - Vice-rector for Academic Affairs, PhD.
  • Abdykadyrova M.B. - PhD in Pedagogic, Associate Professor, Head of Department of Humanities and Fundamental Sciences
  • Davletbakova D.T. – PhD in Pedagogic, Associate Professor
  • Omurova A.M. – Associate Professor
  • Muratalieva V.J. - Head of Department of Morphological and Environmental Disciplines, PhD., Associate Professor
  • Manzhikova S.C. – PhD. in Technical Sciences.
  • Abykeeva M.A. - Head of the program "Economics", PhD.
  • Abdynasyrov U.T. – PhD in Economics, Prof.
  • Keshikbayeva G.A. – PhD in Economics, Associate Professor.
  • Adamkulova E.K. - PhD in Economics, Associate Professor
  • Batyrbekova J.K. - Head of the program "Management and Tourism": PhD.
  • Almakuchukov K.M. – PhD in Economics, Professor of "Management and Tourism" Program
  • Sarbagysheva G.E. - PhD in Economics, Associate Professor
  • Zholuyeva P.T. - Head of Department of Morphological, Therapeutic, and Surgical Disciplines department, PhD.
  • Kadyrkulova S.D. – PhD in Chemistry.
  • Bayborieva A.A. – PhD in Medicine.
  • Azhimatova M.R. – PhD in Medicine.
  • Domashov I.A. - Senior lecturer, Acting Associate Professor


The Educational and Methodological Council is created to regulate documentation, develop and carry out activities aimed at improving the quality of education, formulation of proposals on the educational and methodological support of the educational process of Adam University.

Members of EMC

Work plan of the EMC


Educational and Methodological Council of the Adam University School of Medicine

It is a permanent collegial working body within the Educational and Methodological Council of Adam University, which functions to improve and optimize educational and methodological work, providing training for medical specialists in the international labor market.

The main task of the EMC of the AU SM is to identify priority areas of all types of methodological work, as well as to coordinate, summarize and disseminate positive experience of methodological work at the faculty and departments.

Regulation of EMC of the SM

Composition of EMC of the SM of AU

Work plan of SM for 2023-2024 academic year