Higher School of Medicine

The work of the Higher School of medicine (HSCM) of Adam University is aimed at providing high-quality and comprehensive education in the field of medicine, training highly qualified medical specialists through the development of necessary skills and the formation of professional competencies for students so that they can successfully work in the medical field. HMS focuses its activities on creating a sufficient learning environment that ensures the formation of medical ethics, scientific thinking, a creative approach to problem solving and continuous professional development of students.

In 2017, Adam University opened a structural unit - the Kyrgyz-Indian Medical Institute for the implementation of the OOP "General medicine", and received a license for the right to conduct educational activities. In 2018, the structural unit of the Kyrgyz-Indian Medical Institute was renamed the International Medical Faculty to work with foreign applicants. On July 1, 2020, on the basis of Order No. 52, the International Medical Faculty was renamed the Adam University Higher School of Medicine.

Protection of public health and provision of adequate quality of medical care by training highly qualified specialists:

  • complying with national and international standards in the field of medical education, capable of withstanding global challenges in health care;

  • striving for constant personal improvement and professional advancement on the basis of scientific and innovative technologies;

  • guided by high ethical standards in the performance of their professional duties;

  • competitive and demanded on national and labor markets.

In its activities, HSCM shares the corporate values of Adam University: trust and respect; academic freedom and honesty; quality and striving for excellence; partnership; innovation.

The HSCM includes such divisions as:

the Department of Therapeutic Disciplines, the Department of Surgical Disciplines, the Department of Biomedical Disciplines and the Department of Morphological Disciplines and Public Health. In addition, Dean's Assistants are constantly working with students.

The Dean's Office of the Higher Medical School (HSCM) of Adam University is responsible for various aspects of the management and administration of the educational program "General medicine" lasting 5 and 6 years. His main tasks are related to the organization and management of the medical school. The HSCM Dean's Office develops and implements curricula, organizes classes and equips the teaching staff. In addition, it is responsible for administrative matters such as hiring staff and organizing various events.

One of the important areas of work of the dean's office is to support students, provide advice on educational issues and background information. It helps to solve problems related to the educational process and organizes academic support for students, as well as promotes academic mobility of students and teachers.

The Higher Medical School also attaches great importance to ensuring high quality education. The Dean's Office monitors and evaluates curricula, develops education-related policies and procedures, and promotes the professional development of the teaching staff.

Dean's assistants work according to the Regulations on Assistant Dean of Adam University. The purpose of the assistants' work is to increase the effectiveness of the educational process of students of the Higher School of Medicine. They are directly involved in the formation of students' conscious and creative attitude to study and to their future professional activities, contribute to introducing students to academic discipline and hard work, and monitor their academic performance.

Dean's assistants:

Zhakypov Edilbai,

Bolotkanova Begayim