News and Events


On June 12, 2024, Adam University staff, represented by Vice-Rector for Development and Innovation N.T. Sukulova, Head of the Department of External Relations A.Ch. Choybekova and I.O. Associate Professor of the Economics program A.N. Sharsheeva

On June 12, 2024, Adam University staff, represented by Vice-Rector for Development and Innovation N.T. Sukulova, Head of the Department of External Relations A.Ch. Choybekova and I.O. Associate Professor of the Economics program A.N. Sharsheeva, take part in a workshop on the DEFA project «Development of financial autonomy of universities of the Kyrgyz Republic».

The workshop will last from June 12 to 14 in the city of Karakol at the K. Tynystanov ISU.

The agenda includes a meeting of all project participants, a presentation and reports from the project package coordinators. One of the important presentations was N.T. Sukulova’s report on the stability of the project, which Adam University is responsible for.

The workshop is also attended by European partners, namely from the University. Otto von Guericke (Germany), University of Florence (Italy) and the European Center for Research and Initiatives.

This event contributes to the effective functioning of the project, the general pooling of efforts and further discussion of interim results.