Summer School "Bulgarian Dialogue of Cultures — 2021"
In August 2021, the V International Summer School "Bulgarian Dialogue of Cultures — 2021" on the theme: "Education and dialogue of religions is planned to be held in the city of Bolgar, Republic of Tatarstan. The experience of Russia and the countries of the Islamic world". Young journalists, students of journalism faculties (and other humanities faculties), specialists in the field of media communication, history and political scientists from Russia and post-Soviet countries are invited to participate in the School. The organizers of the annual event invited authoritative Russian and international experts who possess a unique baggage of practical knowledge about the history of major religions and their developments in our days. The Organizing Committee pays for the travel of those participants who will write the best essays. As part of the preparatory stage, an open essay contest in Russian (volume from 1000 to 2000 words) is held on one of the proposed topics: 1. "Religious and cultural traditions of the main confessions of Russia". 2. "Theological theology in religious education". 3. "Religion in the art of the peoples of the world". 4. "Dialogue of religions as a factor of sustainable development of the global world". 5. "Regional experience in the development of interreligious dialogue in educational institutions." The Organizing Committee of the School provides accommodation (double occupancy), meals and travel for participants who have written the best essay on key topics of the International Summer School "Bulgarian Dialogue of Cultures – 2021". To participate in the International Summer School "Bulgarian Dialogue of Cultures – 2021" applicants must fill out the Google application form and send it to the email address iyazigantdinov@bolgar.academy the following documents: 1. A copy of the first page of the passport (for Russian participants — copies of the first page and the page with a residence permit); 2. A certificate from the place of study / work indicating the current status on the letterhead of the university / organization, certified by the signature and seal of the head of the organization / structural unit (in Russian); 3. A short essay in Russian on any of the proposed topics (volume from 1000 to 2000 words). The deadline for submitting documents for foreign participants who need a visa: June 1, 2021; The selection of participants will be carried out by the competition commission, the participants will be notified of the results of the selection no later than June 18, 2021. The Competition Commission does not enter into correspondence with the participants and does not justify the results of the selection for participation in the International Summer School "Bulgarian Dialogue of Cultures – 2021". The contact person for the organization and holding of the event is I.Ya.Zigantdinov, Deputy Head of the Center for Interreligious Dialogue of the Bulgarian Islamic Academy, tel.: +7-903-307-99-12. The school's website: https://bolgar.academy/news/otkrylsya-nabor-na-uchastie-vmezhdunarodnoy-letney-shkole-bolgarskiy-dialog-kultur.html