The Ministry of Education of Russia together with the Ministry of Education of Belarus announce a new competition "Science without Borders"
The purpose of the competition is to stimulate the research activity of students, undergraduates, postgraduates to identify and develop their intellectual potential. Students, undergraduates, institutions of higher education can take part in the competition.
The directions of the competition are:
1. Physics.
2. Mathematics.
3. Computer science.
3. Geography.
4. Ecology.
5. Biology.
6. Chemistry.
7. Land management.
8. Tourism.
9. Economy.
10. Management.
12. Pedagogy.
The working languages of the competition are Russian, English.
The form of participation is correspondence.
The work can be co-authored (no more than two authors are allowed).
The number of works from one author (co–authors) - no more than two.
More detailed information is available in the information letter