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Today the University has one more reason to be proud of its students

The guys proved themselves at the Universiade and showed decent results:

Azizbayev Nuraziz took the bronze medal in freestyle wrestling.

And our national team of guys: Maksatbekov N., Toktosunov O., Shertimbekov E., and Duishebaev E., reached the final in the chess tournament and took 4th place, entering the top five of the 18 teams of the first league.

And the girls' national team: Makusheva A., Mamenova Zh., Nurlanbekova E., Kurmanbek k K., took 6th place in the chess tournament, overtaking 8 teams.

And in the persistent toguz korgool tournament, Rakhimova A., Omurzakova A., Turusbekova A., also took 4th place

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