News and Events

19.02.2021 | Event

This week is full of awesome news!

Hello. My name is Ilya Domashov. I am a teacher at the ADAM University International School of Medicine. The other day, I received a confirmation letter about my participation in the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility for the Teaching programme. So this year I will represent our university at Aristotle University in Greece and give several guest lectures for Greek students. Am I worried? Of course! After all, this is not only an honor or an indicator that my knowledge is in demand at the international level; it is also a huge responsibility to my colleagues, students, and the university administration! This is also the hope for new international partnerships, which we will begin to build during this visit! This is the first such initiative, which was awarded to our department! It's hard for the pioneers, but it's an honor!
I hope that our teachers and students will have even more such opportunities. So go for it! Take part! And as you can see, our university supports such initiatives, for which all the colleagues who helped me win this competition – THANK YOU!
This week is full of awesome news!
Category: Event