The University is actively working in the field of project activities. Throughout its educational activity, the University has successfully implemented over 60 international projects in cooperation with the EU, OSCE, USAID, the Eurasia Foundation, ADB and other donor organizations, universities in Europe and Asia. The University has been an active participant in the Tempus and Erasmus+ programs supported by the European Commission for 20 years.
Current projects:
Development of financial autonomy of universities in Kyrgyzstan (DEFA) Erasmus +
Within the framework of the Erasmus+ Key Action 1 program
- International Credit Mobility (ICM 171)
Adam University actively cooperates in the field of academic mobility with:
Aristotle University
Aegean University, Greece
Completed projects:
Over the past 10 years, Adam University has continued to successfully implement projects funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
- Joint project development course "The practice of preparing and writing scientific work in a foreign language", Norway, Georgia and Kyrgyzstan (2018-2019)"
- Совместный образовательный проект «Устойчивое развитие туризма: сельское предпринимательство и культурное наследие в Кыргызстане, Норвегии и Грузии» (2015-2018 гг.), при финансовой поддержке ЦИО (Центр по Интернационализации Образования)
SIU Project:Cooperation on University Libraries in Kyrgyzstan and Norway (2013-2014)
SIU Project: An educational project in the field of tourism, innovation and sustainable development. Strengthening teaching methods in Kyrgyzstan, Georgia and Norway (2011-2013)
Combining several academic disciplines, by equipping students, as well as teaching staff, with skills, knowledge and competencies, sustainable tourism is developing based on local rural entrepreneurship and heritage in Kyrgyzstan, Georgia and Norway.
Тempus UNIWORK Project:Strengthening and developing Career Centers in Central Asian Universities in order to expand graduate opportunities and create high-quality jobs (2013-2016)
Erasmus+ LMPT: "Bachelor's degree, Professional Master's degree in open and distance learning for the development of sustainable tourism in China, Vietnam and Kyrgyzstan" (2016-2019).)
- ERASMUS+ Project:Development of academic mobility between Adam University and Masaryk University ERASMUS+ project: Development of academic mobility between Adam University and Masaryk University (Brno, Czech Republic, 2017-2019)
Erasmus+ EurDIQ:"The European Dimension of qualifications for the tourism sector" (2015-2018) (Brno, Czech Republic, 2017-2019).
Тempus QAMEL Project: Introduction to Quality Control in e-Learning at Central Asian Universities (2013-2016)
Tempus TuCAHEA Project:In the field of Central Asian higher education: the structure of settings and the formation of a culture of quality (2012-2015)
Tempus DOQUP Project: Documentation for quality assurance of educational programs. The project aims to define and implement a digital documentation system for quality assurance of PS in partner countries (PCs) in accordance with European standards and guidelines for quality assurance. This goal will be achieved through the cooperation of all project partners, including national authorities (2011-2015).
Erasmus Mundus TARGET II Project: The project aims to promote cooperation in higher education between the EU and Central Asia (2011-2015)
Проект Erasmus Mundus, MARCO XXI: The main objectives of the project are: improving the capacity of third countries, promoting gender balance, equal opportunities and analytical skills in teaching and learning, as well as increasing student employment opportunities (2011-2015)
Erasmus Mundus, TARGET Project:The aim of the project is to develop academic mobility among students and teachers (2011-2013) Tempus CANQA Project: Central Asian Quality Assurance Network (2009-2011)
- SIU Project: A joint educational project on ecotourism with the support of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, between UA and Telemark University College (2008-2011)
- OSCE Project: Improving the quality of higher education by increasing the capacity and involvement of student organizations in universities (2008)
- EFCA and Christensen Foundation Project:Implementation of voluntary environmental certification for hotel and Tourism enterprises (2007-2008)
- USAID Project: Development of registration departments in the context of the transition to financial and economic assistance from the Bank under the European credit Accumulation and Transfer System (2005-2006)