The Department of Mathematical and Science Disciplines (DMSD) was established on August 24, 2020 (Order No. 59 - OD. 24.08.20). The Department of Mathematical and Science Disciplines is a structural unit of the University, which carries out teaching, methodical and research activities, educational and extracurricular work with students.
The Department provides teaching of the following disciplines: mathematics, physics, geography, informatics, ecology, concepts of modern natural science and others.
Head of the DMSD - PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor Muratalieva V.Zh.,
Methodologist of the DMSD - Argynbay kyzy P.,
Muratalieva Venera Zhenishbekovna
1992 – 1998: Kyrgyz State National University. Physicist - teacher
Academic degree, title, position
Ph.D., Associate Professor, Head of the MEND Department
Labor activity
1998 – 2021 Kyrgyz State Technical University named after. I. Razzakova
2021 – present Adam University
Scientific publications and educational works
- more than 30 scientific papers published
- More than 15 educational and methodological works have been published, including 3 under the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic
- teaching materials have been developed for the disciplines read
Advanced training over the past 3 years
Integrating into the international scientific and educational space, IPR MEDIA, 2021
The use of online tools in the educational process. 25-26.08.2021
Design and creation of electronic educational courses in the MOODLE system. 2021
Training “Modular construction of educational processes”
The Anti-Plagiarism system in the Kyrgyz Republic for academic integrity and scientific ethics. 2022
Manager/Internal Audit of Nanagement System based on ISO 900:2015. 2022.
Zhamangulov Azat Aitbekovich
1990 – 1995: Issyk-Kul State University named after K. Tynystanov. Engineer-teacher.
Academic degree, title, position
Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of MEND
Labor activity
1995–2019 Issyk-Kul State University named after. K. Tynystanova;
2019 – present Adam University
Scientific publications and educational works
- more than 35 scientific papers published
- More than 10 educational and methodological works have been published
- teaching materials have been developed for the disciplines read
Advanced training over the past 3 years
Quality Assurance System, July 2021
The use of online tools in the educational process. 25-26.08.2021
Training of the medicine specialists: challenges and prospects, March 2022, Bishkek
Standard ISO 9001, No. 1 – 22DT
“Blended Learning Technology”, July 4 – September 1, 2022, SKLAD.
Imanalieva Chinara Anvarovna
1986 – 1991 Frunze Polytechnic Institute: system engineer
Academic degree, title, position
Executive Assistant Professor of the Department of MEND
Labor activity
1996 – 2012 International University of Kyrgyzstan
2012 – present Adam University
Scientific publications and educational works
- More than 5 scientific articles published
- More than 10 educational and methodological works have been published
- Teaching materials have been developed for the disciplines read
Advanced training over the past 3 years
The use of online tools in the educational process. 25-26.08.2021
Design and creation of electronic educational courses in the MOODLE system. 2021
Training “Modular construction of educational processes”
Online marathon “Online game as a method of engaging and motivating learning” May 19-21, 2022, Zoom.
Donbaeva Gulayim Chynybekovna
1987-1992: higher education, Osh State Pedagogical Institute; Geography teacher with additional specialty in biology, diploma with honors
Academic degree, title, position
Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor
Labor activity
1987-2006 - Osh State University (student, graduate student, teacher, senior lecturer, associate professor of the department, deputy dean);
2006-2018 - Talas State University (Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Director of the Distance Learning Center of TalSU, Associate Professor of the Department of Natural Sciences);
Since 2018 - acting director of the Research Institute Botanical Garden named after E. Gareeva NAS KR.”
2022 – present Adam University (part-time).
Scientific publications and educational works
More than 60 scientific articles, theses, methodological guidelines, teaching aids have been published, including 1 under the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic, and teaching materials have been developed in the disciplines read
Advanced training over the past 3 years
Online training seminar on advanced training on the topic: “Publication activity of scientists in world information journals”, Tashkent, (2021);
Main Botanical Garden named after. N. Tsitsina, Moscow, Russian Federation (2022);
Institute of Botany of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, (2022).
Varshakidze Abida Nazhdatovna
1982-1987 Dzhambul Pedagogical Institute, Mathematics and Physics
Academic degree, title, position
Senior teacher of the MEND department
Labor activity
1987-1989 School No. 9 named after. Savvy, KZ
1989-2000 School No. 66, Bishkek
2000-2013 Senior Lecturer at the Department of Higher and Applied Mathematics, KNAU
2013-2016 Teacher COMTECHNO
2016-present Adam University
Scientific publications and educational works
With12 articles published; methodological instructions for mathematics developed; teaching materials developed for all disciplines read
The influence of the crypto industry on training at universities(article)
Advanced training over the past 3 years
Training “Modular construction of educational processes” 2021
The use of online tools in the educational process. 25-26.08.2021
Modern educational technologies and digital tools. Moscow 2021
Secrets of an effective online lesson. Techniques and digital tools. Moscow2021 3
Online marathon “Online game as a method of engaging and motivating learning.” 2021
Design and organization of an online course as a tool for organizing the educational process in educational institutions of higher education. Krasnodar May 7, 2020
Emotional and professional burnout. October 2022
New teacher competencies: active methods and modern teaching trends 2023.
Suerkulova Zamira Temirkulovna
1999 – 2009: Kyrgyz State National University: “Materials and components of solid-state electronics”, master’s degree in “Strategic management”
Academic degree, title, position
senior lecturer of the MEND department
Labor activity
2000 – 2004 KSTU named after. I. Razzakov
2013 – to present Adam University
Scientific publications and educational works
- more than 5 scientific articles published
- More than 10 educational and methodological works have been published
- teaching materials have been developed for the disciplines read
Advanced training over the past 3 years
The use of online tools in the educational process. 25-26.08.2021
Design and creation of electronic educational courses in the MOODLE system. 2021
Online marathon “Online game as a method of engaging and motivating learning” May 19-21, 2022
Blended learning technology. 04.09.2022.
Nazarbaeva Nargiza Shekerbekovna
1996-2001 Kyrgyzstan Osh Technological University. Faculty of Information Technology, software engineer
Academic degree, title, position
Senior teacher of the MEND department
Labor activity
2000.11.29 - 2003.04.15 OshTU 2003.06.09 - 2006.09.01 Kyrgyz Academy of Education, Department of Information Networks and Resources. 2006.09.01 - 2007.09.01 KSTU department of ISE teacher 2021 - to date Adam University
Scientific publications and educational works
- 2 scientific articles published
- Educational and methodological developments in mathematics and computer science have been developed
- Developed teaching materials for all disciplines read
- Teaching natural and mathematical subjects in a questionnaire environment
Advanced training over the past 3 years
SKLAD online course “Blended Learning Technology”
Creation of electronic educational courses in the MOODLE 2021 system
Data Science Courses.
Zhalilova Gulnarida Rasulbekovna
2016 – 2020: Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University named after Boris Yeltsin
– KRSU; Applied mathematics and computer science;
2020 – 2022: Master of the Department of Information Systems and Technologies in Economics; Master's degree in Information Systems and Technologies;
Academic degree, title, position
Teacher of the Department of Mathematical and Natural Science Disciplines
Labor activity
2019-2020 London School of Languages and Cultures;
2020-2021 Osh Technological University named after. M. M. Adeshev;
2021 – 2022 MaxSoft LLC;
2023 – present Adam University
Scientific publications and educational works
- 2 scientific articles published
- teaching materials have been developed for the disciplines read
Advanced training over the past 3 years
- Business Management course, Kingston International College 2023
- Advanced course in data analysis. 2023
- ICT Programming (Web development, basic AI education) 2023
Sadykova Aliman Danilovna
2012-2013 Professional College - “Institute of Information Technologies in Education (ISITO)”
2014-2018 Kyrgyz State Technical University named after. I. Razzakov
Faculty: Transport and Mechanical Engineering
Direction: Information systems and technologies
Profile: Information systems and technologies in the media industry
2018-2020 Kyrgyz State Technical University named after. I. Razzakov
Faculty: Graduate School of Master's Studies
Direction: Information systems and technologies
Profile: Information systems and technologies in the media industry
Academic degree, title, position
- NDITA “Altyn tuyun”, teacher
-teacher of the MEND department
Labor activity
2018-2020 - KSTU named after. I. Razzakov: Department of Physics, the position of laboratory assistant
2020-2021 - KSTU named after. I. Razzakov: department "Printing", software engineer, 0.5 shift. Teacher
2021-2022 - KSTU named after. I. Razzakov: department "Printing", teacher
2022 - present - NDITA “Altyn tuyun”, teacher
2022 - present - Adam University, lecturer (part-time)
Osmonova Rimma Chynarbekovna
1991-1999 Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov - Control and automation in technical systems
(systems engineer)
Academic degree, title, position
Candidate of Technical Sciences, KSTU named after I. Razzakov, Associate Professor of the Department of Information Systems in Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of MEND
Labor activity
1993 -2000 FPI, KTU - Engineer of the Department of Automatic Control
1998 - 2000 FPI, KTU - Lecturer at the Department of Automatic Control (part-time)
2008 - 2011 KSTU named after I. Razzakov - Engineer dean's office of FIT
2011 - 2012 KSTU named after I. Razzakov - Leading specialist Kyrgyz-Korean CIT.
2008 -2020 KSTU named after I. Razzakov - Senior Lecturer of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (part-time)
2020 – 2023 KSTU named after I. Razzakov - Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (part-time)
Scientific publications and educational works
-more than 50 published scientific works
1.Design of database management systems in the MS SQL Server environment. Methodological instructions for completing coursework for the specialties PMiI, BI // IC “Teknik”, KSTU. – Bishkek, 2018
2.Databases in MS SQL Server environment Methodological instructions for performing laboratory work // IC “Teknik”, KSTU. – Bishkek, 2016
3.Global and local networks. Guidelines for laboratory work // IC “Teknik”, KSTU. – Bishkek, 2024
Advanced training over the past 3 years
“Expert in accreditation in the field of education” of the Independent Institute of Accreditation, Rating and Certification from 01/05/2022 to 01/19/2022
“Improving Capacity Building in Next Generation Education.” 10.01 – 25.02.2022
“Methodologies and Skills on Intelligent big data analysis.” July 4 -8, 2022.
Educational methodical work includes the development of educational and methodical materials for teaching disciplines, consultations and seminars for students, quality control of teaching and evaluation of students' progress. Annually the staff of the department revises and updates methodical materials, tests, assignments for practical classes, lectures for students. Educational and methodical complexes are developed for all disciplines.
Report on Academic Work for the academic year 2021-22
Report on Academic Work for the academic year 2022-23
Research activities of the university department are aimed at improving the quality of education and the search for new knowledge, which contributes to the development of science and technology in general. Teachers of the department are engaged in research work, publish scientific articles in scientific journals and collections, participate in scientific conferences and seminars.
Students' scienttific research work is an integral part of the education process. In order to attract students to scientific research, the department organizes various events: quizzes, olympiads, guest lectures, etc.
Report on Scientific research work for 2021-22 academic year
Report on Scientific research work for 2022-23 academic year.
Math quiz "Lucky Chance"
Visiting lecture "Prospects for the development of the IT and esports industries", GoNight from Go Viral Central Asia, dedicated to employment in the IT sector.
Olympiad in Medical Physics (intramural)
Interuniversity Olympiad in Medical Physics
Onlain lecture with Kushtarbek Tynarbekov, front-end developer and mentor at American IT bootcamp, which is based in Chicago, USA.
Math quiz "Entertaining Mathematics"
Intramural Physics Olympiad
Congratulations to Diana Turdushova, a 2nd-year student in the "Information Systems and Technologies" program, on successfully completing the advanced training program "Project Management in Creative Industries: Event Industry"!
Diana has successfully finished the course "Project Management in Creative Industries: Event Industry" with our partner, St. Petersburg State University of Economics, gaining additional skills that will help her build a successful career in the IT field.
A modern IT specialist is not only about coding and technology, but also about project management, teamwork, and innovation. Such programs are a great way to enhance soft skills, broaden horizons, and strengthen a portfolio for future career opportunities!
Diana is confidently moving toward success, and exciting new projects lie ahead! Congratulations and we wish her bright achievements!