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30 ноября в рамках соглашение о партнерстве с ФАУ «РосКапСтрой» и Университетом Адам прошла встреча с Государственным агентством по управлению государственным имуществом при Кабинете Министров Кыргызской Республики.


On November 30, within the framework of a partnership agreement with the Federal Autonomous Institution "RosKapStroy" and Adam University, a meeting was held with the State Agency for Management of State Property under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic. 🇰🇬

The meeting discussed such issues as:

1. implementation of current management methods

2. organization of asset accounting, coordination, control, and monitoring of the registry of federal funding for cadastral work implementation when implementing the project management information system.

It was also emphasized that the implementation of a project management information system will significantly improve control over project implementation, simplify asset accounting and financing processes, and increase transparency and reporting to government authorities.