Students of ADAM University participated in a video tour at the Museum of Fine Arts named after G. Aitiev.
On April 29, the Museum of Fine Arts named after G. Aitiev held a virtual tour, in which students of ADAM University were able to take part. Students "visited" the exhibition "Shokulo". The museum guide told about the works of Kyrgyz artists and introduced the participants to the history and work of the museum. The "Shokulo" project was implemented by PF “Uluu Dara” with the support of the PF “Institute for Sustainable Development Strategy” (ISSD) within the framework of the “Youth Initiatives for a Sustainable Future” program. At the exhibition within the framework of the “Shokulo” project were presented the author's collections of shokulo designers Zukhra Mukambetova and Aida Maytasheva