ADAM University together with International Academy of Management, Law, Finance and Business (MAUPF and B) held an International online round table "Digital Economy: Trends and prospects for development".
On April 14, 2021, “Management and Tourism” program of ADAM University together with MAUPF and B held an International online Round Table "Digital Economy: Trends and Prospects for Development". Representatives of universities of Kazakhstan, Russia, Kyrgyzstan and the tourism industry made speeches at the round table. The moderators were Gulmira Esengulovna Sarbagysheva, PhD, Head of the Management and Tourism Program, Adam University, and Nelly Ilinichna Akylbekova, PhD (MAUPF and B). The round table was attended by Vera Mikhailovna Golubova, PhD, Associate Professor, Vice-Rector for Development and International Relations, Southern University (Institute of Management, Business and Law), Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation ("Psychological aspects of the formation of digital consciousness"), Saltanant Suleymanovna Tleuberdieva PhD, Associate Professor of “Management” Department of the Eurasian National University n/a L. N. Gumilyov, the Republic of Kazakhstan, Nursultan ("The financial system of Kazakhstan in the conditions of digitalization"), Nelly Ilinichna Akylbekova, Doctor of Economics, Head of "Management and Socio-Economic Sciences" Department of the International Academy of Management, Law, Finance and Business (MAUPF and B), Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek. ("Digitalization as an online business development platform in the banking sector of the Kyrgyz Republic"), as well as representatives of the local tourism business: Aida Alikovna Mederova, Director and co-founder of the company "Baysal Group" ("Tourism after the pandemic: how the coronavirus will change travel") and Cholpon Ryspekovna Abdrakhmanova, manager of "Tokmok Travel" ("Tourism in the postcovid reality"). The round table covered such topics as digitalization in various fields and the consequences of the pandemic in the tourism sector. The round table has become an excellent platform for the exchange of views and knowledge, as well as a dialogue between scientists and business representatives.