News and Events

11.06.2020 | Event

Online lecture from Aida Myrzakulovna Karabayeva, official representative of the NBKR

15 мая Университет АДАМ провел организовал онлайн лекцию от Аиды Мырзакуловны Карабаевой, официального представителя НБКР на тему: “Роль и функции Национального Банка КР. Меры в условиях пандемии коронавируса”.

On May 15, ADAM University organized an online lecture from Aida Myrzakulovna Karabayeva, an official representative of the NBKR on the topic: "The role and functions of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic. Measures in the context of the coronavirus pandemic”.

The program "Economics", represented by Ph. D. in Economics, Associate Professor of the program" Economics "of the University ADAM Sarbagysheva G. E., organized an online meeting of the official representative of the NBKR Karabaeva A.M. with students, undergraduates and faculty of the program"Economics".

The representative of the National Bank spoke about the main activities of the NBKR and highlighted the current issues related to the work of the banking system during the coronavirus pandemic.

The meeting was very interesting and informative for our future bankers.

Aida Myrzakulova answered the questions and thanked for the great interest in the work of the National Bank and the banking system and invited our students to the NBKR museum at the end of the emergency situation.

Category: Event